meets yard work. That's where she gets to sit tied down to a porch support post
with her nylabone and watch me stain a fence or haul bark dust! Not the most
exciting thing for the dog but it's a good chance for her to learn how to stay
out of trouble when i can't be with her at all times. She did great, as I
continues to ignore her and Prada's fixation seems to have diminished slightly
but not enough for comfort. Mom says it's really hard not to affirm that little
puppy look Prada gives her with her huge brown eyes but she knows it's better
for our working relationship and has hope that by Christmas break, when I come
home from school, she'll be able to play, too.
Saturday we took Prada down to a family reunion-ish picnic to meet Mom's side
of the family. In order to curb Prada's too-social working habits I cut back on
the 'sit, ok now you [small child] can pet her unless she stands up' routine.
After a couple of hours I removed the harness and let the kids come and say
hello, and then the harness went back on. This seems to have made a bit of a
difference and I think I'll have to discipline myself into making this a habit.
It's just so hard to say no to a cute little guy that asks so politely if he
can pet the doggy!!!
evening Prada joined me and a friend for a church service for college-aged
students at my friend's church. Afterwards we moved to one of the rooms
upstairs converted into a college-kid's hangout complete with food, couches, a
TV, and foosball table. I'd brought Prada's nylabone to distract her from the
volleyball flying around the gym down. Several of the students spent more than
an hour watching my girl tear that thing apart (or try to) and chatting.
Apparently it was quite phenomenal to them how the bone never really changed
shape and she never lost interest
she and my friend and I retreated to a house where my friend was house-sitting.
Prada spent the night literally halfway on top of me as we slept on the floor
of the living-room close to where my shepherd's mat was placed. I think that
helped the bond a bit. Pack mentality? Once again Prada refused to eat more
than a mouthful of kibble, being in a new area. Yet another reason why I'm
moving back to school a week early: get her eating schedule back to normal
before classes start.
morning Prada and my friend and I went and worked in her church's 2-year-old
Sunday school classroom. I took Prada out of harness ('cause it's just a bit
difficult to explain the concept of a working dog to 2-year-olds) tied her down
to a chair, gave her the bone, and let her sleep the whole time. She turned out
to be a great hit with the kids, and tolerated their gentle stroking, even the
wrong way, very quietly. One little girl, who apparently is growing up on a
farm, got a puppy kiss on her cheek! Prada let me mostly ignore her and play
with the kids, color, and hand out snack without much complaint, though she
looked miffed when I left her alone to take the kids out to the gym to play
with balls.
afternoon Prada got to go to the Oregon coast with me and my friend!
Wheeeeeeeee.....wet! No surprise there, so we didn't go down onto the beach.
Guess we'll find out how easily her fur collects sand on another trip. Instead
we walked around one of the shopping centers in town, then went to our favorite
restaurant. Prada received, as per usual, many admiring glances and comments
and behaved rather well, though she clearly doesn't like shopping as much as
I'd originally thought. To her it's about the same as museum work, except with
the added oddity of the fitting room. Yet another tiny space for her to cram
her loooooooong slinky body into while I monkey around with weird bits of
fabric. Fortunately for her I'm not a huge shopper and have only done so much
recently in order to get her out of the house. Once school kicks in we won't
have time for hardly anything except essentials.
(By “…wet. No surprise there’ I mean that in Oregon it’s
almost always rainy at the beach, so that’s why we stayed in town instead of
hitting the sand. Cold Oregon coastal
waters are no fun in the rain!)
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