Thursday, July 16, 2009

Multas Gratias!

I read once somewhere that in Hebrew there is no word for thanks or gratitude. One showed this sentiment to someone by proclaiming his or her virtues and accomplishments and gifts to everyone present. I don't know if this is accurate or not but I'm going to pretend that I know it is because it makes what I'm about to do sound that much cooler. I am going to thank some people Hebrew-style.

Ok here's to the real heroes and heroines of my adventure so far. Mom, Dad, and little sister Karen, you guys have been WONDERFUL these past few weeks as I work on getting Prada acclimated to my lifestyle. These three awesome persons have been more than willing to accommodate our need for lots of exercise away from home and some odd arrangements dealing with a new critter in the house. They've driven us places, picked up some of the slack for work around the house, and in general helped me and Prada do what we need to do to further our bond and training. I can't imagine better help than my family has given me and their selfless devotion to my success is a true blessing that I can only dream of repaying fully. I daily thank God my Father for giving such amazing family members. Mom, Dad, Karen, much love to you guys!
(I remember feeling so guilty that learning to live with Prada took up so much of my time that summer.  Prada and I had a lot to teach each other those first few weeks, and I spent so much time trying to work her enough in our non-walking friendly “neighborhood” that I didn’t have much time or energy left to contribute to family housework and yard work projects.  My parents never let my disability keep me from learning to contribute to the family the same ways my sister did, so it felt odd to actually have a valid reason to get out of spreading bark dust (my LEAST favorite chore of all) or vacuuming or things like that.)

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