Friday, December 25, 2009

Twas the Week Before Christmas

ok I think I promised at one point to stop with the horrible cliches for titles. Either I should have but didn'ter, or I did and lied, 'cause there's another one for you. Now, to business:

Oh so much to catch up on…where to start? First off, Prada has killed yet another oven mit. Know where I can buy them titanium-reinforced?
Chocolate: have acquired the hot sauce, have yet to set it up, though. I want to get some Hershey’s syrup and a small chocolate bar to lace with the stuff.
City work: spent the last week in Depot Bay, Oregon, in a coastal resort. We walked all through Depot Bay and Lincoln City’s outdoor malls and spent some good practice time on the city streets and she’s showing improvement. She remembers what she’s supposed to do, it’s just a matter of me training myself to make her do it. So, accountability may end up being employed, and a lot of mental training for me. Feel free to post nagging comments about remembering to enforce the rules even when we’re in a hurry.
Cat Ignorance: Puppy walks into mom and dad’s bedroom where His majesty is reclining upon the bed. His Majesty growls. Puppy exits. We’re making progress! The cat is also getting a touch braver, a little more nonchalant about pacing his domain. The more he relaxes and doesn’t run the less interested Prada is in him, so it’s a mutual training. Now we just have to pray that they both don’t forget over the next semester.

New: Purses and dog guides are an interesting mix. First off, I rarely carry a purse most of the year. I usually just use a backpack so I can carry notebooks, laptop, water for me and Prada, in-class snacks on the days I don’t have time to eat, and the usual pursey items like drugs and Kleenex and pens and stuff. However over summer and Christmas break, or if I go off-campus with friends then I try to take a smaller, more sightly bag. Before Prada, I always carried it on my left shoulder but now with her on my left, this just wouldn’t do. However, having a bag on my right doesn’t work, either. I can’t lean over to give her belly-rubs on the go for praise, or even reach forward to pet her for praise, I can’t pick anything up off a table or counter ‘cause it slides off (I have narrow little shoulders), and I can hardly get anything out of it because my opposite hand is tied up with Prada. Solution? Shoulder bag. I found a cute little bag that hangs off the left shoulder, strap crosses the chest, and the bag hangs off my right hip. Easy to reach, doesn’t slide around or fall off, and I can actually work with it! Praise for puppy, grabbing stuff off counters and tables, opening doors…So, you dog guide users or regular dog walkers, here’s your solution! Shoulder bag.

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