Saturday, January 23, 2010

poke, peek

Prada has inivented a new game for herself. It started developing over this summer but has become more noticeable of late. It's peek-n-poke, so far, though she improvises frequently. The game begins when I enter a restroom stall or clothing store fitting room with her. Prada then likes to peek out from under the door and poke peoples' ankles with her cold, wet nose as they walk past. Mission accomplished, she scoots back real fast so they don't see her! She usually gets a good squeak out of people. Her latest addition to the game occured when my roommate and I went to the fitness center on campus to go running. We went into the locker room to change before running. My roommate went into the stall next to us, but didn't realize that we were there. Prada soon enlightened her, thrusting her head and front paws underneath the partition and grinning up at her with big, playful brown eyes. "I found you!" -woosh- as she slid back into my stall. The next time my roommate specifically looked for a stall that wasn't next to us. Prada found her, anyway. As she walked down the aisle to find a stall -pop- "i found you again!" Prada's head and front paws appeared under the door in my roommate's path. I should probably be correcting for this behavior but I often don't notice what's going on until the act is completed and forgotten, so Prada can have her game until I figure out a way to catch her red-pawed.

We're making steady improvement on the whole California stop problem. It really does take a lot of concentration and will exertion on my part to enforce the rules. Prada is more than willing to obey the rules if they're enforced, after all.

We also encountered Prada's first tornado this week! Thursday night we had quite a thunderstorm going on, and as I entered the classroom for my acting class the sirens went off, alerting us that a funnel cloud was somewhere within a 20-mile radius of the area. Our residence hall was just across the street, though, so I decided to just walk home since class was cancelled. Good experience for Prada, and I could get some sork done instead of sitting in the basement of Morton Hall. We walked outside and to the edge of the street we cross and I just happened to glance up above the residence halls. There was our funnel cloud, headed away over the other side of campus! Prada either didn't notice or didn't care, and since my sensitive shepherd wasn't worried I decided to risk the dash across the street anyway, even though THE BLIND GIRL could see the tornado. We made it back to Franz without incident and spent the rest of the night engaged witha giant coloring book (which Prada insisted laying on top of most of the time). My shepherd may be a wimp at the vet bot tornados? Whatever, man, no big deal :)

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