Monday, May 31, 2010

Puppy Pals

I spent another night at my friend Allison’s last night, and Prada had the chance to become reacquainted with her friend Roxy, Allison’s golden retriever. Roxy’s a year or so older than Prada but not quite as…calm. She’s rather rambunctious and quite eager for Prada to play with her. Prada found it necessary, for some reason, to return frequently to my side to ask for permission to play, and really never wanted to be out of sight of me. I took her out to the fenced-in backyard for some runaround time and Prada had the time of her life exploring. She found the covered pool—and mistook the covering for something rather solid  Front legs went into the water and Prada looked quite offended. She didn’t fall in, just jumped backwards a bit and shook herself out, continuing her exploration as if nothing had happened. It occurs to me that Prada doesn’t know how to play with other dogs, or has forgotten. She dominates Gunner, tentatively chases Roxy a bit, but doesn’t engage in normal doggy play with either of them. I’m thinking that I will have to find more doggy friends for Prada. Overall, her obedience seems to have improved over the past couple of weeks and I’m not entirely certain why, but it really made itself apparent last night when I called Prada to come inside from playing out in Roxy’s yard and she came right away, tailed flagged, ears perky.

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